1. Targeting for Advertising Strategy
We at SPI stated earlier that “we need to get acquainted with our target to achieve further mid- and long- term growth and to retain the power of our brands E Further, we introduced such useful tools and methods as “Extracting Insight from secondary data E “Chronological Table E “Curriculum Vitae Eand “Daily Life Cycle Ein our article “Target Analysis Ewritten by Akio Wakabayashi on 30th August in order to assist learning about the advertising target.
I would now like to introduce a more advanced case study that being an advertising strategy directly reflecting the target analysis.
2. Targeting the Sleep Segment for Achievement of Marketing Objectives
Ways of reinforcing the marketing strategies were requested by the commercial institutions of our clients in order to break the stagnation of the visitor growth. This has been their main marketing objective in recent years. To achieve this marketing objective, we saw they needed to add advertisements for the “Sleep Segment E in addition to the targets which visit their institution frequently, to whom they have advertised so far. But they didn’t have the know-how to advertise the ‘Sleep Segment Eeffectively because their advertisements mainly targeted frequent visitors. So we needed a clear idea of what image the ad had to consist of, before conducting the advertising campaign for the reinforcement of the marketing strategy.
3. How To Advertise Effectively to a New Target
>>Clarify the Necessary Images of Advertisement, Effective for a Target
In these circumstances, we conducted the “decision tree analysis E appropriate in clarifying the necessary images for advertisements aiming at the “Sleep Segment E Comparing the findings of the decision tree analysis of the “Sleep Segment Eto others, we finally clarified the necessary image. (Fig.1)
4. Materialize the Advertising Objective by Setting the Bench-mark.
To set the figure of an advertising objective, we set the bench mark for the prioritized image by analyzing the figures among the advertising campaigns conducted so far. Then we set the advertising objective, to be over the bench mark figure for the necessary image. (Fig. 2)
5. For a More Advanced Target Strategy
>>Consistency of Target Strategy with Marketing Strategy
We conducted the target analysis to clarify an effective advertising strategy with the premise that the “Sleep Segment Ewas the appropriate as target. For the success of the target strategy in the future, it is necessary to confirm if the estimated target is the most appropriate to achieve the marketing strategy. (The case shown below is a confirmation analysis conducted for the qualification of the target by the size of the segment)
[ex.] Estimated Size of the Segment =
Size of Demographical Segment x the percentage to be our customer (Fig.3)
And after estimating the target appropriately, we can establish an effective media strategy and creative strategy using the steps mentioned below:
- Make a sophisticated plan by profound target analysis (Plan)
- Conduct plan mentioned above (Do)
- Check the effectiveness of the strategy after the campaign (Check)
- Get feedback for the next campaign from the results of the “Check E (Action)
- This PDCA cycle is a must for a solid effective strategy.
Written by SPI