Clients often wonder, “We made a near perfect media plan and executed the TV SPOT campaign based on it. However, we wonder whether or not this campaign contributed to the growth of the targeted product. Was this campaign successful? E/p>
We believe that there are many clients who would like a post analysis of the effect of their TV campaigns as above.
We at SPI provide SPOT campaign evaluation analyses, in addition to our existing analytical and insightful media planning services. The items for evaluation can be customized in accordance with each client’s needs, since there are several ways to conduct the evaluation. For example, the criteria of “successful Ementioned in the client’s question, “Was this campaign successful? Ediffer from client to client. We, at this time, would like to present you with several case studies of this kind of analysis based on sales; including the evaluation for the said campaign, the identification of causes and the recommended action for the next campaign, and evaluation by area.
A simple conclusion such as “the campaign is successful because the sales increased while advertising Ecannot always be appropriate as a campaign evaluation. In the case where you have conducted several TV campaigns in the past, the success in the said campaign means that the sales increase during that campaign is the same or more than the ones in past campaigns. Thus, we at SPI assess the success in the campaign by comparing the formulated forecasted sales based on past TV campaigns with actual sales. Going into further detail, the forecasted sales based on past TV campaigns are calculated by simulating the sales during that campaign with the model for the GRP contribution to sales up until the start of that campaign. In the example below, the said campaign can be verified as successful because the actual sales are beyond the forecasted sales.
Actions for the next campaign are led by identifying the causes of the campaign results, after evaluating the campaign effects generally such as above. The above forecasted sales model, for instance, is the model which includes several marketing activities, besides GRP, as explanatory variables. That allows us to compare not only the contribution of GRP to sales but also the impacts on sales of new products, new TV creatives, consumer promotion campaigns, and competitor activities. The causes of these campaign results can be found utilizing comparison among the degrees of those impacts. The actions for the next campaign become apparent as soon as the causes are found.
Consumer reactions to brands differ by area according to the results of the past marketing activities; the awareness level of a product is high in the Kanto, Kansai, and Chukyo areas, while it is scarcely recognized in others. Even if there is no difference in consumer reaction amongst the areas, some clients may be interested in the difference in achievement by area if a TV campaign is executed in several areas. Therefore, we provide evaluation by area in addition to the overall evaluation mentioned above.
This kind of information, such as the difference that results from conducting the same GRP amount on all areas or the results of conducting a greater GRP amount in the areas with low brand position, could be essential in considering area strategy.
The evaluation items can be customized to suit the nature of a product, also the rate of increment of BDI*, CDI**, market sales, or Sales/GRP can be used for the total evaluation.
The cases presented at this time are just examples. The objective of the verification of advertisement effects is the improvement of efficiency in further campaigns. We think that a campaign effect can certainly be improved via use of the PDCA cycle, which utilizes the findings in an evaluation analysis for the next media plan, assesses campaign results after the campaign, and creates a more effective media plan for future.
*BDI: Brand Development Index (the said brand sales per person in an area where the sales per person nationwide is considered as 100)
**CDI: Category Development Index (the said category sales per person in an area where the sales per person nationwide is considered as 100)
The brand or category strength in each area can be compared with the above indexes.
Author: Masami Ota / Senior Analyst
Please contact us with questions or for more detailed information.